The locals, mostly blue color Whites, probably doesn't venture out too often. A few guys in the bar are in a good mood. It's not every day that they get see an Asian guy walk into the bar, let alone a soaking wet one. I'm game -- I'm in a good mood too. One drunk patron cheerfully asks where I'm from. I tell him Sacramento, among many places. He ruefully shuts up and fist-bumps instead.
In the morning I asked the ranger at the entrance which falls, Topokah or Marble, is better for a day hike. He said Tokopah. Then he said that they are expecting winter storm between 2 and 4 at higher elevation. That gave me an idea: why not do Tokopah Falls in the morning and then do Marble Falls in the afternoon? Marble Falls is at 3000 feet, it's safe from winter storm. It took no time to hike the pretty trail to Topokah Falls, photographed bear cubs along the river. I had plenty time left for Marble Falls. Or, so I thought.

It was 4:30 on Marble Falls and I almost turned around. I needed to get to Gateway Restaurant by 6PM so that I can charge the car for a couple hours and then get back to the camp. Then I saw the glimpse of Marble Falls from distance and it was marvelous. I had to get to it. I marched on and got to it a little after 5. I had my camp-made burrito, enjoyed view and left at 5:30. The rain came on the way and me and my camera got soaked good. It was almost 7 when I got back to the car. 1.5 hours for 3.5 miles, just like I did in Missouri. The total trip for 7 miles took 4.5 hours.
The total for the day therefore is 12 miles for 2400 feet. Not bad for a day's work. Now I'm sitting here in Gateways Restaurant typing away while the car is getting charged. I still have to get to the camp and wash up. I'll probably be finished around 11PM. Doesn't matter. I'll take a day off tomorrow and rest.
The plan for the rest of Sequoia is as follows. On Saturday, I'll hike to Pear Lake. It'll be a grueling one of 14 miles and 3400 feet gain. Then I'll hike the trail off the campsite on Monday. On Tuesday or Wednesday, I'll pack up and head to Cedar Grove of Kings Canyon and hike Mist Trail. Depending on how the sleeping bag problem gets resolved, I may have to return home to return it for refund or exchange.
Yes, Blue Kazoo is leaking downs. The shell is rather flimsy -- they may have chosen it to reduce the weight -- and downs are poking out of it. It's also not as warm as it should be for a 15F bag. I'll have to review other brands and decide. The problem is 0F bags are several times more expensive. I may just exchange for the same model.