Monday, June 26, 2017

Staten Island Ferry

We had gone back and forth all night long on the ferry.  I always wondered what kind of ferry would let you ride it all night long. Well, it turned out that Staten Island ferry runs all night long. And it's free too. No wonder St. Vincent Millay and friend rode it all night long, very tired yet very merry.

I've been planning on doing this trip since I learned that Staten Island ferry was free. And today was the day. We took 1 train all the way to the end and then the Whitehall ferry terminal was right there to meet us. Once you get in the terminal you just wait for the boat and then stampede through the entrance to embark.  This was 1 PM boat and there were chock-full of people. I wouldn't want to imagine what it would look like during the commute hours. It's a wonder that nobody ever died.

As soon as you exit the subway, you will see peddlers trying to poach hapless tourists, to get them to spend buck on the statue cruise. Ignore and proceed to the ferry terminal. You will get to see the Lady just fine unless you really want to look at it up close on one of the boats that circle the statue like birds over a carcass.

We spent half an hour in St. George terminal licking Sangria and chewing chicken satay before returning. Overpriced eatery, but it sure had the view. The total cost of $27 for the "package tour" for 2 wasn't bad. It was a "pay for food, ride for free" tour, just like St. Vincent Millay's.

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