Another moron pulled into 2B when my car was charging in 2A. A and B share the circuit and the charging power gets halved when both are in use. You'd think all Tesla driver know that. Yet I ran into these morons 2 days in a row. He moved his car when I pointed that out and he started chatting. He's apparently a Trump voter from Southern California. He railed all over about North Korea and China when he learned that I was originally from Korea. Giving him a lesson about geopolitics and the mainstream view was of no use -- he got more agitated. His Taiwanese wife probably doesn't care about politics or disrespect; just happy that she has made it to the West, like many Asian brides. The West is a status symbol to them.
Bryce Canyon is about 2 hours drive from Richfield and we got there around noon. I plugged the car in at Ruby's campground and we took shuttle to various points in Bryce Canyon. We got back after 6 PM, had buffet dinner at Best Western Ruby's Inn, and the car was good to go.

We did hike down Navajo trail as I planned. It's yet another sign of improvement that I'm less apprehensive about taking chance than when I started this trip. The loop was less than 2 miles, and we made it shorter by turning around at near the bottom. My legs were wobbly and I wasn't confident I could make the loop. It was my first hiking in 9 years. Nothing like 10 miles and 3000 feet elevation like I used to, but it did drop 600 feet. That's way more than a CFS patient should be able to handle.
The resting day in Salinas was a struggle. It's the same pattern: I travel, and the activity level goes up and yet I don't crash; I stop, and I pay the price. It's as if the stimulation of travelling temporarily lifts exertion threshold and then returns to normal when the stimulation is gone.
The crash in Fancy Gap was probably the same thing. I thought it was caused by romping up and down the creek, but that shouldn't have been enough to cause a crash. The crash probably happened even if I rested as soon as I arrived there, just like I now struggle when I rest from the trip.
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