The mountains have 6 feet of fresh snow. I might have had difficulty reining in despite the struggle I've been having. COVID19 stopped me from jumping on my car and going instead. All ski resorts are closed and probably are not going to reopen till the next season.
It's been the same old struggle: Scrub the bathtub, then I get knocked out for 3 days. Walk 2 km, and the same thing. The laundry, dishes and dusts have been piling up sky high. The feeling of recovery back in December is all but a distant memory now. The water hose I bought then is gathering dust in the garage. I was feeling so well, I thought I'd wash the dirt from the mountain off the car whenever I come back from skiing. I haven't got to it yet. And now I'm like, just what was I thinking?
The whole CA is now under shelter-in-place order. It is a familiar way of life to CFS patients: we stay home, go out only for essential errands and bi-daily walks. We don't have much social contact anymore, we are already socially distanced. All we have to do is just keep 6 feet away from other people when we are out. This is an opportunity for normal people to learn how CFS patients live and feel. Sans fatigue, ache and sickness, of course.
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