Saturday, November 28, 2020

Car Wash

I bought a water hose from Amazon last December when I was feeling recovered. My car was all dirtied up from the winter driving in the mountains and I figured I'd wash it myself rather than taking to the carwash every time. Then I suffered the longest PEM ever after skiing too much, and washing the car became a distant dream. The car remained unwashed for over a year and it was all filthy.

Now I needed to have it cleaned before driving to San Jose for my nephew's wedding. On que, it rained last Tuesday, so I left the car out for a free carwash overnight.  In the morning it was all wet and I realized it would get covered with watermarks and dust spots all over if I didn't wipe it dry. I took a rag and wiped it down the best I could. It took a good 30 minutes and completely wiped me out. I spent the rest of the day in horizontal position, tired but happy and satisfied. The PEM sickness I was expecting the next day didn't materialize however. I'll have to chalk it up to the Novelty Effect.

How I used to enjoy washing cars. There is nothing quite like the sense of accomplishment you get from the shiny car after all the hard work. The last time I washed car was in the underground garage of the condo in Santa Clara, probably around 2006, I think. That was about a year after I brought home the BMW from Germany. I got ambitious and gave it a full monty treatment of shampoo, clay bar, polish and wax. It was an all day process and a hard work even back then, and I was in my best shape then. This time, the 30 minute work of just wiping down the car required about the same amount of time for the recovery.

I'll have to do this more often. Carwash is so fun, the novelty effect may persist. 

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