Monday, April 5, 2021

Covid Vaccine, First Dose

Just as I was getting back on my feet, it was time for the vaccination. They opened it up for the 50 and over crowd and I had to get in line if I were to get on the hobo train by May as I've been planning.

First there was nothing available except for a slot on the 18th at my regular hospital. Then several more opened up the next night and I ended up reserving 2 more slots at different locations. Not sure if I got lucky or if the appointments were getting plentiful, but I wasn't about to complain. I took the first one the next morning and cancelled the rest.

The shot was slow to take effect; I was fine through the afternoon, and then got knocked out in the evening. I went bed early, slept 8 hours and then half-recovered by morning. I continue to struggle with fatigue and weakness for the rest of the second day though and had to take a nap for 2 hours in the afternoon. The day after that, I was back on my feet, once again.

So, it wasn't all that bad -- it was only one day in the penalty box. I dreaded about getting knocked out for weeks with post-vaccine struggle, but I got off easy this time. It's the second shot is supposed to be the killer though. I'll just have to enjoy the mild after-effect for now and get busy with preparing for the upcoming hobo-hood. It's a lot of work. I'll have to buy all the hobo equipment, install them, and then test them out in either Alabama Hills or Shasta Trinity, for a few days at least. And I'll have to do that before the second shot of the vaccine in 3 weeks. Oh, and I need to enroll in CCW class too. I'll be boondocking in the backcountry and I would feel better with a firearm on my side, for both four-legged predators and bipedal pests. Now that anti-Asian violence is rampant, CCW will serve another good cause too. 

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