I'm getting there. I'm straighter and turning quicker. And I was able to ski both Castle and Lower Dynamite nonstop from top to bottom. A huge improvement compared to the last time I had to stop and rest 6 times to complete Castle run. The snow being softer, not crusty like the last time, probably helped. But standing straighter certainly made the runs less tiring. Now I just need to add some more style.
The Sierra weather turned clement on Thursday, so I went up on Friday 2/9. I skied about as much as the last time, for the total of 5 hours, and I was less fatigued afterwards.
I figure it'll be the repeat of the last time: watch football on Sunday, crap out Monday, and then I'd be back on my feet. No such luck. I continue to have bad days. Maybe it was the bike repair work. I finally got around to put sealant in the new tire. Then I installed the bike mirror the next day. They were both minor works, but still an exertion. Then yesterday, I walked 6 blocks in the afternoon and did 2x8 pushups in the evening. I'm paying the price today.
I usually get weaker after #4 or #5 in January. It could be just the continuation of that pattern. Or it could be that I did too much after skiing. Can't tell which. One thing for sure, one week of probation is still valid. I'll have to lay off any exertion for a week the next time. If I struggle again, then it would be the seasonal pattern. If not, then it is the exertion in the days after skiing.