Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Skiing #8 Aftermath and Skiing #9

The weather for skiing #9 wasn't ideal. The forecast called for a partial sun, but it snowed all morning. My face froze up from the driving sleet and my but from icy water on the lift. The visibility was bad too. The cloud and snow made the terrain flat and the snow dripping off my sunglasses didn't help.

I meant to duplicate skiing #7, but the weather made sure that I didn't. I didn't go to the Judah side of the mountain at all. I instead skied mostly green and blue slopes on the Village side. I did go on Pony Express off Disney twice at the end though. Overall, it's about the same as #7 with total skiing time of 90 minutes. But replication requires the exact duplicate, so if this one doesn't result in a soft-landing, I'll have to try again. Skiing #8 wasn't an exact duplicate of #6 either; it was much harder. Another reason to try the replication again if there is no soft-landing in coming days.

There was no major dopamine rush after skiing #8 that includes several black runs. Funky fatigue on the next day and then it got progressively worse for 3 days. Then, after 4 days, I was up and running errands.

Being high on dopamine for a day or two and then getting knocked out another day or two days after that would've been fine. But being out of commission for 4 days out of a week is just too much. I can't spend all my life trying to exercise my way out of CFS. I may give the hard/easy skiing combo for soft-landing one more try and then I'll stick to easy skiing from then on.

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