Monday, May 29, 2017
We took QM5 bus to Bayside this morning. It conveniently departed right in front of the building, and dropped us just a block from our destination restaurant 55 minutes away. How lucky is that? The express bus fare was $6.25 and didn't take our monthly pass. The bus driver who just woke up from napping didn't stop us when we used our pass. The driver on the way back did, but we didn't have $6.25 in coins and he let us ride for free. If I knew, I would've taken my car instead. Anyway, it became a free trip for us. How lucky is that?
You take bus, and you realize how big Queens is, spanning multitude of neighborhood. Forest Hills, Fresh Meadows, Bayside. And others along Union Tpike are all working class neighborhoods with working class stores lining main streets. I'm sure housing is much cheaper there too. The drawback is the train services end well before Bayside and you have to rely on less reliable bus services to connect to Manhattan in large swaths of eastern Queens.
I'm finishing today with less than 4,000 steps. A well deserved respite.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
9/11 Memorial
People are chatting and snapping away as if they are on a picnic. This is the ground where people, some holding hands and some alone, jumped off and splattered. Can't you see the blood stains? Severed body parts? The planes still fly past the World Trade Center, just not through it this time. I startle the same.
I was here decades before. I climbed up one of the towers, leaned onto the narrow window between the vertical combs that formed exoskeleton of the building and looked down. People and yellow cabs milled around below like ants. 1362 feet below to be exact. How did it feel to jump?
Hate begets hate. All the imperialism we practiced in the Middle East came back home to roost on that day. Then we went in, in the name of WMD and "almighty's gift to humanity" and killed half a million of wrong people. It was a revenge killing. It was our Allahu Akbar. The image of an Iraqi mother with a severed child in her arms and two big puddles on her face is seared in my memory just like people falling from the sky. After 8 years of closing the wounds and making peace best we can, we have another a-hole in the White House. Maybe we should just consider ourselves lucky that the mental one is only an a-hole, not an ideologue.
Anyhoo, I ended up with another 11,000 step day. I was still tired this morning even after a day of rest, thanks to the 12,500 step day on Friday in Flushing and Upper West Side. I'll have to take another day off tomorrow. Except that we are meeting my sister and her family for lunch in Bayside, way past Flushing. I'm just thankful that I recover, at least partially, after sleep these days.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Upper West Side
The deal on the studio in Union Square didn't work out. The girl, like a typical Korean female, was overly possessive of her apartment and belongings. You can't house-sit for such people. Not when you are paying $3000 for the privilege.
So we went out again. (To tell the truth, I've been continuing the search since the deal was shaky with an intention to ditch it if I find a suitable substitute). After checking out a share arrangement at 49th and 9th ave, we went up to 112th Ave right below Columbia university. It turned out that the unit was owned by the university and the student occupants are going away for the summer. And one of the occupants were subletting, with permission of the University. It was a rather large 2ba/2br apartment with open view out the window on the 10th floor. To boot, it was a kick-ass neighborhood. It is a college town and with lots of shops and restaurants on Broadway. A high class version of the UT Austin's streets, if you will. I was ready to sign it up at the spot -- I was too exhausted to continue the search, after all -- and signing up I did. It was a steal at $2500/mo. We'll move in on 5/31 and stay for 2 mo at least. And the real NYC experience will begin.
With all these hassle, I again registered 12,500 steps. Today I'm staying in for real. I was getting close to a crash from the accumulation, and a full rest will do some good.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Monday, May 22, 2017
Friday, May 19, 2017
Upper East Side
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Fair Fax, VA
I followed I-81 after charging up Tesla in Wytheville. Then I hit Shenandoah Skyline Drive by cutting off to US-33 to Elkton. Wife, hungry and cranky, complained that it is same as the Blue Ridge park way. It turned out, she was right. It is indeed Blue Ridge park way. It only changes the name to Skyline drive after it crosses I-64. And you have to pay $25 to get into it, unlike Blue Ridge or Smokey National Park. Maybe because the view looking down the Shenandoah valley were more spectacular. We bought the annual pass in Grand Canyon, so we didn't pay.
We exited Shenanoah national park at Luray on the way to Strasburg to charge up Tesla. The last time I was in Luray was almost four decades ago with my sister and her husband. We must've driven either on I-81 or Skyline drive to there to see the cavern. I no longer remember other than the fact that we were there.
Fair Fax, an hour drive from Strasburg, is 25 mile away from DC. Not such a convenient location. But it's relatively cheap and we are not going into DC this evening. We'll change up the lodge tomorrow after touring DC.
The post-exertional sickness continued this morning and I struggled to pack. By the time we got to Wytheville, I perked up a little though. It's as if getting back on the road turned me back on. Probably a coincidence. It's been over 4 days and it was time to recover anyway. But I still can't preclude the possibility of the excitement of being back on the road after 5 days had any effect. This is similar how I recovered from the over-training syndrome when I was on the road to Crater National Park in 2007. I suffered fatigue and weakness for weeks leading to the trip planned before I got sick. I was lying on the parking lot while the troops were getting act together to leave. Then a couple hours into the trip I recovered. For now, they are all circumstantial and I'll just have to treat them as anecdotes till proven otherwise.
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Fancy Gap, Day 3
It's the third day in Fancy Gap and the post-exertional sickness continued. My sister and her husband has to go back to their Raleigh home for a couple days and they came back around noon. But the power was out so we decided to go out for lunch. And lunch is all I did. I was planning to take rest at my sister's for a week anyway, so nothing is lost. I just didn't plan on getting sickly.
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Fancy Gap, VA
The Sims own a few properties here. The one that we romped on is loaned out to an Angus farmer named JD. The cows, protected by two donkeys, substitutes for dangerous bulls I suppose, happily go about grazing and suckling their calves and rushing to lick salt off trucks. At least till humans come for them. It's like a deal with the devil. Except that cows are not a party to the deal.
We arrived here on Wednesday. We followed the Blue Ridge park way till Blowing Rock. Then I got tired of 45 mph on twisty road and decided to take a shorter route. And shorter route it wasn't. The road to Twin Oaks was even twistier, without the scenery. It would've taken about the same amount of time to get to here if I took the Blue Ridge all the way. Old Historic Inn and Restaurant in Blowing Rock was pleasant though. We hooked up the car to a Tesla charger and rested for an hour while munching the chips and salsa looking down on the mountains. We could've made without the charging stop, but a rest is always good.

We'll stay here for a couple more days and recuperate. Then we'll head north to DC, Philadelphia, and finally NYC.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Mesauring Fatigue with WiGait
Anyway, the walking speed closely correlates the fatigue as I have noted last year. And being able to measure the speed automatically while you amble about at home would be the perfect solution for measuring fatigue.
Asheville, Day 2
It's a limited effect though, for sure. It wouldn't have made a difference when I was the sickest in 2008 or 2010. The stress of moving to different places back then only made my condition worse. But the novelty of traveling has become beneficial once my CFS had become stable enough. There always is that danger of over-doing, especially for patients with extremely limited energy envelope. But the emotional stimulation within the limit could well be helpful. And that is the basis for my Tesla treatment. If I come out of this travel substantially recovered from CFS, that could be a proof enough even if it is only anecdotal.
Monday, May 1, 2017
Asheville,, NC
Today was my day off. I'm feeling OK after 9 hours of sleep -- no post-exertional sickness from the accumulation or anything, just the familiar ache and fatigue shooting up the IT band and along the triceps. Only a year ago I spent most of my waking hours lying down. Now I'm mostly up even after a week of driving and walking. Amazing.
We spent the afternoon in downtown Asheville. The rain stopped while we sat in the coffee shop across Vance Memorial munching on a coconut macaroon brownie and the sun came out. We strolled for a while and then drove through Historic Montford neighborhood before heading to Biltmore. Biltmore was too expensive, so we turned around and came home. I wasn't the one to pay $130 for us to see some tycoon's indulgence. Nice estate though. I wouldn't mind living in one.
We missed the Great Smokey Mountain national park. We should've gone to Knoxville instead of Greenville and then to Asheville. I just followed the Scenic Drive book and I didn't pay attention. We'll drive to Knoxville via Smokey Mountain and back tomorrow. Four hours on the Blue Ridge park way and then 2 hours back, I reckon. We came too far to miss it. Yeah, I've been there before, but it was such a long time ago I hardly remember. Besides, I gotta make use of the national park pass that I bought in Grand Canyon. I would have given it up, but my condition has improved so much while on this trip, I'm confident I can handle it. Even with another 6 hour trip in the other direction on the Blue Ridge planned for the next day. My sister is in her Fancy Gap home, so we are going there instead of Raleigh on Wed.