Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Castle Dome, Almost


Craggy Peaks from Vista Point

I only intended to go up the Vista Point for the total of half a mile. Then I would walk along Sacramento River, maybe for another mile. But then, I saw the craggy peaks from the Vista Point and I had to get a closer view. So I decided to go maybe as far as Pacific Coast Trail for less than half a mile, or to Indian Springs Trail for another mile if I felt up to it when I get to PCT. I was sure I'd see the crags up close and personal by then.

I don't know what got into me. By the time I got to the split between Root Creek Trail and Crags Trail, I started thinking maybe I could make it all the way to the top. That is 5.3  miles round trip to Castle Dome and 2200 feet elevation gain. Are you kidding me? I could declare I recovered if I make that. 

I passed PCT without noticing. Then Bob's Hat Trail came and went. No sign of those craggy peaks yet, but I was sure I'd see them by the time I got to Indian Spring trail. The topo map said so. And it was right. The sight opened up as I closed in on Indian Spring trail and the craggy peaks suddenly appeared, full monty. 

From there on, it was a hard climb on hard rocks. It would've been impossible without the hiking sticks. My poor feet, with only walking shoes on them, rocked and rolled and the back of my right heel quickly peeled off. I marched on, hands and feet at times. When 3:50PM rolled in, I could reach out and almost touch the Castle Dome. It always seem that way: one more turn, you'll be right there. It is an optical illusion. I looked at the map, and the direct distance was about 1000 feet. 

I had to turn around. I was completely exhausted and it could take another 30 minutes at the pace. Then I would have to take another 30 minutes rest at the top to gather enough energy and courage to get back down. It would be another 2.6 miles steep downhill to get back to the Vista Point. I could not make it back by 7PM when it gets dark in the mountains. As it was, the temperature dropped by 5PM and it was getting chilly.

Disappointment, for sure. But the memory of Telegraph Hill that put me in the bed for all winter long back in 2009 is still seared in my memory and I'm glad I turned around when I did. It was a struggle getting back down and I had to walk backward half the time once I got back down to Indian Springs trail. There is no telling what aftermath I would've faced if I pressed on to the top. It was better to live to fight another day.

Still, it was good for 5 miles and 2000 feet elevation gain, the toughest ever in 13 years of my CFS career. It's about a half of 10 miles and 3000 feet gain which I used to be able to. I am now officially at 50% recovered. If I don't get sick from it, that is.

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