Monday, November 16, 2020

Blacking Out After Walk

After simmering October, the weather decisively turned wintry last week. The temperature, in the 50s daytime, plunges to low 30s at night. We didn't have heat so we we've been bundling up in coats. I couldn't let the utility service to come out and light up the furnace for us because we are self quarantining for my nephews wedding in 2 weeks. I managed to light it up myself today, so we'll have heat this evening. I hope it doesn't blow up. It's an old furnace that I'm not familiar with.

I was busy doing errands for a few days last week to gear up for the quarantine.  I wasn't able to take walk for 5 days as result. I finally managed 2 km yesterday afternoon. In the evening, I was dizzy and sluggish. It was as if I was blacking out just like after the 12 mile bike ride.

I already wrote about shrinking exercise tolerance after staying indoor for a month in August. Now it seems the walk tolerance shrink faster than I thought: it only took 5 days of hiatus this time. So, I can say more definitely now that my walk tolerance shrinks if you don't walk.

To be precise, it is the walk tolerance, not necessarily the general exercise tolerance, that shrinks after not walking for a while. I don't know if the tolerance to all exercise shrinks. I don't have problem doing household chores, so it may well be just the tolerance to walk that shrinks. 

Notice that I'm now careful to speak of "tolerance" and not "ability". CFS patients, at least the ones at the moderate/mild end of the spectrum, are capable of exercise; it's just that they get sick afterward. In other words, their bodies don't tolerate exercise too well even if they are able to exercise.  It's like you can eat, but you'd puke if you do when your stomach does not tolerate food.

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