Friday, November 6, 2020

Clean Stove Top, Finally


Isn't that sparkly? I finally got around cleaning the grimy stove top. I gathered the supplies long time ago, but I haven't been able to gather the courage to tackle the task itself. Switching from 2 day cycle of activities to 3day cycle finally left me with enough energy to get it done. I had to split the work into two parts though, and I'm yet to clean the back splash panel and the front of the stove. Still, it was hard enough a work and I slept like a baby last night. And I was fatigued all over when I woke up. The scrubbing motion not only works your arms, but your legs also have to do quite a bit of work to counter-balance the upper body motion. And it's the use of large leg muscles that is more likely to cause problem for CFS patients.

Here is how I did it:

  1. Prep the surface: spray the vinegar and Dawn solution, and then wipe away
  2. Clean the greasy film with Soft Scrub
  3. Make paste with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Plaster it on the burnt and baked-in surface
  4. Wait 15 minutes and scrub the surface with the paste

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