Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Return West

 It's only 60F. But the dewy mornings here in Erie PA feels like crisp fall and quite refreshing. Maybe it feels that way after mostly staying indoors for a day. Maybe Sacramento morning in the fall and winter are the same. I rarely ventured out in the mornings so I wouldn't know. I'll have to start morning walks when I get back in the West.

I'm already one state over to the West after Catskills and Greek cities of upstate New York. The rest of the return path will look something like this:

It looks like a figure eight if you superimpose it with the Eastward path, with Ohio as the nexus. I didn't planned it that way; I vaguely thought I'd take the southern path toward Florida. But that will take longer and I'm more in the mood for the mountains than oceans. You'd think oceans would be a refreshing change after 3 months of hiking in the mountains. But lounging around on the beach doesn't inspire me this time around for some reason. I'd love to go back to Colorado or go to Glacier NP, but it's already winter there with temperature dipping down to the teens in the morning. 

So, I'll have had enough serving of the middle USA for one life time after this trip. I don't know yet how long it will take to complete the route. But I'm guessing another month. I'll fly through the cities and then spend several days in Ozark, Big Bend and Havasu.

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