Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Why Blog?

Stayed in bed for 10 hours and yet I felt all spent when I got up this morning. That's probably because I stayed upright more than usual blogging, taking care of bills and otherwise getting some work done yesterday. On a normal day, I only can work less than 2 hours. Yesterday, it was total of 5 hours, spread throughout the day. Why, if I could work for 5 hours everyday, I could return to the society as a productive member!

So, the question is, why spend precious time on blogging when I only have a couple of hours a day available to me? I could more productively spend it doing actual work. The problem is, I work alone. This should sound familiar to CFS patients. We tend to lose connections after spending years home-bound. And it's more difficult to make a progress when you work on a project alone. You need the sounding board of colleagues. Blogging serves that purpose of the sounding board. To blog, you have to articulate. While articulating ideas come to you. And that's invaluable, even if you don't get feedback from anybody.

I'm out of coffee and pasta. But I don't feel like an errand today. I'll make do with what I have and postpone the trip till tomorrow.

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