Thursday, June 30, 2016


My Fitbit vibrated the other night. I looked and it said 10003. I didn't even know it did that. On good days, I only can manage about 6000 without getting sick. And I usually manage that about 3 times a week. On those days, I can't do anything else. This time, however, I was sitting up blogging, after scrubbing the bathtub and taking shower.  Then I threw in 2x6 pushups for  a good measure. That's several times more than I should be able to, and yet I didn't get sick. I'm not sleeping well either despite the increased activities. So I went out and walked 2 miles today to improve my  sleep.

What's going on here? I am tracing back what changed recently.  Only thing I can think of is switching a month ago to brown rice as my staple to lower my triglyceride. That fixed my constipation as well. My poop is now light brown with no trace of white streaks that the dark stool used to sport. Could this have changed my CFS? Probably not. Chances are that it was just the time for me to recover, if it is indeed a recovery.

Interestingly, there was a report recently that CFS patients have greatly reduced gut microbiome and that may serve as a diagnostic biomarker. Though they weren't really claiming that the biome change was the cause of CFS, the insinuation was that the reduction of the anti-inflammatory gut bacteria could be the cause of CFS. If I indeed recovered because of the change in my diet, that would lend a credibility to such claim. But chances are I didn't. If CFS is as simple as the change in gut bacteria, someone would have found it out long time ago and we would've had a solution by now. Many CFS patients have already tried diet change to improve their conditions. And the gut microbiome does not begin to explain the constellation of neurological symptoms that CFS patients experience, ranging from brain fog to sound/light sensitivity and even paranoia in some cases.

I'm planning to walk 3 miles this weekend. On Monday, I'll find out if the recovery is real. If it is, it would be so anticlimactic that, after wallowing in sickness for so long, 2 weeks shy of 8 years to be exact, it suddenly dissipated like a fog burning off in the afternoon. It would be so unreal.

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