Monday, August 1, 2016

CFS and Flu Vaccine

Last November, I struggled more than usual for about 2 weeks. I chalked it up to seasonal change since I saw no apparent reason for that. Reviewing my log later, however, I realized I got a flu shot the day before it started. I logged it as a hospital visit rather than flu shot, so it didn't particularly stood out. I was also getting HepB vaccines around that time, and I didn't notice any problem with vaccines. So I had no particular reason to suspect vaccination either.

The above graph is the plot of the fatigue level predicted by 4 day accumulation of exertion and the actual fatigue. From 11/11 to 11/25, it shows that the actual fatigue was substantially larger than it should have been.

So, I did some googling and found a paper that says flu vaccine causes low grade inflammation, and another paper that suggests low grade inflammation can cause central fatigue. Taken together, the flu vaccine causing problem for inflammation-sensitive CFS patients is not implausible. And, if that is the case, it is not implausible either that lowering ambient inflammation, by diet change, supplement or meditation, can improve fatigue in CFS patients.

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