Monday, March 1, 2021

Getting Jailed for Violating 3 Day Suspended Sentence

 It's one thing or another. Last time, one lift was out. This time both of them were out, thanks to the power outage. Strong wind blew the day before and either PG&E line went down or they killed the line to prevent fire. They've been de-energizing the line whenever they have fire danger ever since the Paradise fire that put them in bankruptcy I waited for 30 minutes in the car, the power came back up, and the skiing #6 went as planned.

It was a sunny and warm day. The nicely packed slopes were fast and skiing was fun once again. The only problem was that I wasn't well rested. I fixed the bike tire the day before and had to move the bike up and down a flight. They were repairing the garage roof, so I had to move the stuff out of the garage. I was tired in the morning, but I went skiing anyway. Which violated my rule for making sure that I'm fully rested before the day of heavy exertion. (I should write the ten commandment for avoiding PEM someday). 

Then I violated another rule of giving 3 days of rest before returning to routine. I worked on the car before the 3 day recovery clock expired. I've been looking into installing an AC inverter in my car so that I could power a few appliances while camping and avoid carrying propane fuel. Before making the commitment though, I needed to ensure the viability. I had get down on my knee to figure out how to remove the backseat, mistakenly believing the 2500w internal 12V converter is located there. Then a better sense prevailed, checked one more time, and gave that up after finding that only applied to Model 3. So I moved to the front and poked around under the hood to see if there was a place to install the inverter.

That was enough to knock me out for the rest of the day and I'm still struggling today.  It'll probably will last another day or two, but I'll recover in time for the skiing #7 on Thursday or Friday.

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