Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Kadoka, SD

The scenery in late morning and the early afternoon sun is not as scintillating: the high sun makes everything flat. The clear sky with overcast horizon did not help the matter.  Our journey along I-90 resumed as such this morning.

The scenery looked like a continuation of what we saw yesterday till we got close to the  Missouri River. The land turned drier and cornfield thinned out as we crossed it. Soon sunflower fields appeared and they too thinned out when sage brushes appeared. Then the cattle farms as the grass turned brown. By now, it decidedly looked West. You couldn't have told it from the Central Valley if the land were a bit more parched. Missouri River, so it seems, is the starting line of the West.

Here in Kadoka, there is no grass to be found. It is all parched gravel. Terribly hot too. The coolness of Sioux Falls is nowhere to be found.

I didn't sleep well last night despite whirlwind activities 4 days in a row. Yesterday I was pretty high.  Today I'm pooped out. It was just like June last year when my activities suddenly picked up and I was unable to sleep more than 6 hours.  Not sleeping well and not getting sick. These are the signs that I'm improving. And I'm getting a bit more confident everyday that I am recovering.

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