Sunday, April 24, 2022

Ladybug Trail and Garfield Grove

Garfield Grove was a bust. I intended go to the beginning of the Grove expecting number of giants. I went well past that, for the total of 4 miles instead of 2.9, and only saw a few. In the process I almost got hypothermia. About a mile of the trail was snow covered and freezing.

Add 4 miles on Ladybug, it was another 12 miles day. Lady bug was a smashing success, thankfully. It follows the south folk with spectacular view of the stream and the falls. I planned to go up further, but the trail disappeared after the creek and I couldn't find the easy path to bushwhack. I returned to the camp, had lunch and nap and then went up Garfield Grove trail.

The next one will be 14 mile one to Pear lake. I'll have to get to at crack of dawn so that I can charge the car for an hour at get to the trail head by 7. That means I'll have to leave the camp at 5.

I'm running out of food. I have enough rice, pasta and left over chicken, but not enough sauce, onion and carrot. If push comes to shove, I'll just eat pasta without sauce. Going back out to Visalia for grocery means having to go all the way to Traver to recharge and I don't want to do that. I'll make it with what I have.

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